Sunday, November 14, 2010

HALLOWEEN in LONDON! (Late post)

Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the lack of updates recently, I am actually in the UK now instead of Malaysia! Well, it's not for a holiday, I am actually going to study here till next year. It's really exciting and I am lucky that I have a cousin who is staying here, so I'm staying with her and her family throughout my term here. (Thank you for letting me stay! =) ) hehe, anyways, so, I had a pretty normal halloween, it wasn't a HUGE deal at the place where I was staying, but the Chinese group of neighbors had a small lunch gathering planned out for the kids, so my cousin and her husband brought her two kids over to the nearby community hall, and I tagged along as I had no plans for the day. The kids were ADORABLE! hehe, let me show you some pics =)

 Look at the small boy with the spider on his stomach! CUTE!!

The one with the cape is Tobey. 

 Spider boy!!! Hehehe, see, i told you he was adorable...

 Ironman!! =p

Attacked by kids with balloons.. =p

 See, pity him...

Someone brought this to the lunch party..

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